Homemade Butter

Food for Daise
by Food for Daise
4 Pieces
30 min

A staple in many kitchens, homemade butter is something worth giving a go if you are yet to try. It’s a really nice thing to make throughout the year, playing around with the flavours to fit the seasons, and is a really quick and easy little project. You can make it in a big batch or just use up a small amount of double cream that you might have lying around. It’s also great to freeze if you want to make it ahead of time or just have a constant supply of delicious, homemade butter stashed away. In addition to your butter, you also get the fresh buttermilk which is fantastic for things like dressings, pancakes and cornbread!

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Just before the messy part!

This was the last little dregs of butter, the initial butter ball will be much bigger and need two hands.

Recipe details
  • 4  Pieces
  • Prep time: 30 Minutes Cook time: 0 Minutes Total time: 30 min
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For the basic butter
  • 2L double cream
  • ¼ tsp salt (optional)
Optional flavour #1 (for 200g butter) - Garlic
  • 50g wild garlic leaves (or 2 cloves garlic)
  • Large handful fresh parsley (including stalk)
  • ¼ tsp salt
Optional flavour #2 (for 200g butter) - Spicy
  • Large handful fresh coriander (including stalk)
  • 1 tbs chilli flakes
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • Zest of 1 lime
Optional flavour #3 (for 200g butter) - Smokey
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¾ tbs smoked paprika
  • Zest ½ lemon
  • 2 tbs chopped fresh chives

Add your double cream to the mixer (have a cover at the ready if you don’t have one built on. A tea towel will work).
Whisk on a medium speed and it’ll turn into whipped cream.
Keep whisking and you’ll get to a scrambled egg texture.
Keep whisking as it curdles!
Now it will begin to get quite messy as the solids split from the liquid. Once the solid butter has completely separated from the buttermilk you can turn the mixer off.
Gather your butter solids in some muslin and squeeze out any excess buttermilk (you might need to do this in batches).
Once you have all of your buttermilk, store in a sterilised jar in the fridge.
Now you need to ‘clean’ your butter of any residual buttermilk. This is important to prevent your butter going rancid. Use your hands for this if you can, as it works much better than a spoon.
Rub and squeeze the butter in a bowl of ice water. Change the water (and add more ice if melted) once or twice until the water stays clear.
Take your butter out of the water and lightly pat dry with a clean tea towel.
Now your butter is ready and can be split into four and flavoured if you would like. Some flavour options are below. Alternatively you can leave it as it is or lightly salt it.
If flavouring the butter, split it and put into separate bowls then beat it with a wooden spoon until soft.
Chop, zest, etc. any ingredients you are using for the flavouring, add to the butter and mix in well.
You can either use your butter straight away, store it in the fridge or freeze it for later.
  • In this recipe ‘pieces’ refers to the number of ~200g rolls of butter you will get.
  • We used the whisk attachment but it’s also possible to use the paddle if that’s what you have available.
  • We made the three flavours above and kept one roll as plain salted butter.
  • The messy part really is messy so be prepared with that tea towel/cover!
Food for Daise
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