Date Nut Snowballs

Tammy | Chez Nous
by Tammy | Chez Nous
45 cookies
27 min

This recipe for Date & Nut Snowballs comes from my mother-in-law who is a prolific baker and cook. She is of German descent, but probably got this recipe from an American friend who called these cookies Swedish Wedding Cookies. I'm not sure that any Swede would recognize them! And I've certainly never had them at a wedding, but then again, I've never been to a Swedish wedding!

In fact, a little stroll through the interwebs reveals that other people think that Swedish Wedding Cookies are, in fact, Pecan Sandies! Which, in turn, are also called Mexican Wedding Cookies, Russian Teacakes, Swedish Teacakes ... OY, my head hurts!

I'm not sure where my mother-in-law got the recipe, but I'm gonna go ahead and change the name just for the sake of my sanity and my post title! I hope you're all OK with that!

The secret that makes Date Nut Snowballs

This recipe might be called Date Nut Snowballs, but it's not the dates or nuts that make the secret! It's the crispy rice! Yeah, dates are great. Nuts are yummy. But crispy rice? It's got it going on!

Crispy rice?! What is that?

Well, you and I know it from our childhoods as Rice Krispies. Isn't it wonderful, though, that there are wholesome, small farms producing a better quality alternative! For this, I used One Degree Organic Foods Sprouted Brown Rice - Crisps Cereal that I found at Sprouts. It has only FOUR ingredients and you can track the farmers who grew them. You can buy it on Amazon as well, but it is quite a bit more expensive.

Not to say that this is a healthy recipe, but if you're gonna splurge, you might as well make it as healthful as possible. Here, organic cane sugar is cooked with grass fed butter, a pastured egg, organic dates, and homemade vanilla extract.

Cook it over medium high heat until it thickens. You'll see it looking a bit foamy and you'll be able to pull the spatula across the bottom of the pot while still seeing the bottom. See how that looks foamy in the photo below ... it's just perfect!

Pour it over the crispy rice, coconut, and walnuts. If you'd like to use a different nut, do it! No one is holding you back. I would choose pecans, but these might be a Hawaiian favorite if macadamias were used! Who knows!

Tips on rolling Date Nut Snowballs

I tried all the things, man!

  • I used a small spoon and tried to collect it all together into a small ball. But it kept sticking to my hands.
  • Then I buttered my palms, but that only lasted through about three rollings.
  • Finally, I got out my cookie scoop, buttered it, and when to town!

It worked best when I loaded the scoop as full as possible, pressed it against the side of the bowl or pressed it into the scoop with a spoon. I then dumped it out onto a platter of coconut bits to roll it.

Et voila! A mound of Date & Nut Snowballs ready to be devoured!

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If you try this recipe and enjoy it, please leave a comment below and a star rating. Also, if you are on Instagram, post a photo and tag me @tammycirceocheznous so that I can see your delicious dish!

Recipe details
  • 45  cookies
  • Prep time: 20 Minutes Cook time: 7 Minutes Total time: 27 min
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  • 2 cups crispy rice cereal
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut
  • 1/2 cup walnuts chopped small
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • dash salt
  • 1 cup dates chopped small
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • coconut to roll the balls in

Put the crispy rice cereal, coconut, and walnuts in a large bowl and mix together. Set aside.
Combine the butter, sugar, egg, salt, and dates in a small saucepan. Cook for 7-10 minutes or until thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add vanilla. Pour the mixture over the crispy rice cereal, coconut, and walnuts. Stir together to mix well and allow to cool slightly.
Form small balls using a cookie scoop and roll in coconut.
Tammy | Chez Nous
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  • Susie Susie on Dec 21, 2021

    Very similar to a recipe my mom got from McCalls magazine in the early 1970s - aptly called “Yum-yums” - that also included candied red and green cherries.

  • Carol Penno Carol Penno on Jan 02, 2022

    I call these Saucepan cookies. Mine are a lot darker though, more the colour of dates, I cook the mixture until nice and thick.
