Blackberry & Honey Goat Cheese Breakfast Casserole

A Quarter Baked
(IC: instagram)
6 Servings
55 min
This blackberry & honey goat cheese breakfast bake would be a wonderful addition to a brunch or breakfast. In fact, I came up with this recipe on the fly for a cousin brunch I was going. It was a huge hit! I made it a few more times and tweaked the recipe to be the best it could be. Its light but filling. Simple yet complex. The blackberries & honey add a wonderful burst of sweetness. While the goat cheese adds a savory aspect. Meanwhile the crescent rolls are dishing out a buttery flakiness you don’t want to miss. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
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Blackberry & Honey Goat Cheese Breakfast Casserole
Recipe details
- 1 can Honey Butter Crescent Rolls
- 1/2 c Heavy Cream 116 g
- 2 Eggs Large
- 1 c Goat Cheese 113 g
- 1 Pint Blackberries 188 g
- Honey for Drizzling
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Spray your baking dish with pan spray. I'm using a 9in pie dish.
- Rip up four crescent rolls into 4 or 5 pieces each.
- Place the pieces in the bottom of the dish. They don't have to be flat.
- Sprinkle 3/4 of the goat cheese over the crescent rolls pieces.
- Randomly place half of your rinsed blackberries on top.
- In a separate bowl whisk together your eggs and heavy cream.
- Pour the custard over everything.
- Drizzle about a 1/4 cup of honey over everything. Be generous.
- Rip up two more crescent rolls into 4 or 5 pieces and place them randomly in the dish.
- Sprinkle on the last of the cheese and blackberries.
- Now rip up your last two crescent rolls into pieces and place them randomly on top.
- Bake your casserole until it is golden brown and cooked through. About 40 minutes.
- When it comes out of the oven drizzle another 1/4 cup of honey on top.
- Now its ready to serve!
- Try not to substitute the honey butter crescent rolls for regular crescent rolls. It doesn't taste the same. The honey butter crescent rolls make a huge difference. You maybe able to find them at Walmart, Kroger, or Publix depending on your area.
Published March 9th, 2021 11:01 AM
Share your thoughts, or ask a question!
How many does this serve how many calories in it and what is the temperature of the oven thank you
Thank you for sharing. Sounds delicious, however I've never seen honey butter crescent rolls. Does Pillsbury make them? Also, would blueberries taste as good? Hoping my sis might get over from T.O. for a visit in the not too distant future and she loves blueberries so would like to serve her something besides bacon/eggs for b'fast.