Homemade Vegan Bread – Super Easy Failsafe Recipe

by VegnFit
1 Loaf
2 hr 20 min

There’s nothing like a smell of a homemade bread.Some people think baking bread is a very complicated and long process. Admittedly there are recipes that consist of many stages and everything lasts more than a day.

With this recipe you could be eating delicious homemade bread in a blink of an eye. And you don’t need any extraordinary skills or ingredients.

Why you should try this Vegan Bread Recipe?

  • no-knead easiest recipe ever
  • super quick
  • it has nice crispy crust
  • beginner friendly !
  • homemade bread is so much better and healthier than store bought
  • based on this recipe you can prepare various versions of bread.

Surprise your family with delicious homemade Vegan Bread. This recipe is so easy you will be tempted to bake it everyday.

Some goodness to enjoy your bread with:

Best Vegan Cream Cheese

Vegan Egg Salad

You can bake this bread without any additions, just basic ingredients and it still will be great. I really enjoy adding pumpkin seeds and dry cranberries. Pumpkin seeds get this amazing aroma after baking and cranberries add nice sweetness. If you don’t like sweet additions in your bread you can mix various grains in. Here are my suggestions for interesting versions of vegan bread recipe:

- 2 tbsp of each: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and chia seeds

- Italian version with pieces of dried figs and walnuts

- nutty: 2 tbsp of walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts

Homemade Vegan Bread – Super Easy Failsafe Recipe
Recipe details
  • 1  Loaf
  • Prep time: 90 Minutes Cook time: 50 Minutes Total time: 2 hr 20 min
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  • 500g all purpose wheat flour
  • 4tbsp oat flakes
  • 7-8g dry yeast (1 packet / 2tsp)
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 430 ml lukewarm water
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberry

Add all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix them well. It is important that yeasts and sugar are evenly distributed.
Add your additions (if using any) and stir them into the dry ingredients.
Pour the water in and start mixing with the spatula (or a spoon) – water and flour will come together forming the dough. It will be a bit shaggy, not smooth on the beginning but that’s fine. Give it some time.
When you no longer see dry flour in your dough it is ready to be placed in your baking tray. After it’s all in, drizzle it with some water and even the surface with spoon or spatula. You can sprinkle some sunflower or pumpkin seeds on top.
You can use any baking tray you like, just make sure the dough takes maximum half the height. Lately I use oval ceramic baking dish lined with baking paper.Now your loaf needs to rest and rise – preferably in warm place. It should double the size. It may take an hour or more – depending on your yeast and room temperature.
Preheat your oven to 200°C / 390°F. Bake your bread for 50 minutes enjoying delightful smell that will fill you kitchen after a while.
For extra crispy crust take baked bread out of the tray and put it back into the warm (turned-off) over for additional 10 minutes.
  • This recipe doesn’t require you to knead the dough. Actually you will notice this dough is quite wet and sticky, so it would be difficult anyway. Mixing the ingredients well is enough.
  • In order to get amazing golden crispy bread crust brush your loaf just before baking with aquafaba (chickpea brine). Yes, it is one of hundred things aquafaba is great for. I always store it in the fridge after I drained chickpeas. If you don’t have aquafaba you can use any unsweetened plant-based milk.
  • If you’re in no rush and want to give your bread a bit more time to rise you can leave the dough in the bowl (covered with cloth) for an hour or two. Then transfer it gently to the baking tray and give it another hour. This double-rising process should result in really well risen dough and bread with big artisan holes.
  • Be careful with water. It has to be warm, but never hot (too high temperature will kill the yeast). You can also use room temperature water, but I noticed that warmer water encourages our yeasts to start their work faster 🙂
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Dee24632861 Dee24632861 on Apr 01, 2022

    Neither yeast or white sugar are vegan.

    • Toni Toni on Apr 02, 2023

      Yeast IS vegan, bcuz it has nothing to do with animal byproduct in any way/shape/form. Alot of refined white sugar, powdered sugar n brown sugars are not vegan, ONLY bcuz bones were used in the PROCESSING (but of course not in the final product) so just read the labels... The more "natural" it is (aka not perfectly white), the more likely bones were NOT used in the processing. Besides, in the modern world, it's not possible to be 100% vegan in every aspect of our lives. If you drive a car, or live in a house, or own a cellphone, you're using products made from animals.

  • K Hohn K Hohn on Apr 02, 2023

    What are oat flakes? Regular oatmeal?

    • Toni Toni on Apr 02, 2023

      Both are the whole oat that is steamed and rolled flat, the difference is how thick the flake is. The thicker the flake, the longer it will take to cook (but not by much). The difference here would be in texture of the thick and regular oats in what your cooking. (used common sense to Google this 😉😏😁)
