Instant Pot Bone Broth | Healthy and Easy

10 cups
2 hr 10 min

I finally did it! I made bone broth! And friends, it was goooood! I’ve been wanting to make it for a while now. After reading about all the benefits I knew it was something that should be incorporated into our family’s staple diet. And since I’m a instant pot girl who uses this miracle machine multiple times a week, instant pot bone broth was the way to go!

I’ll be the first to admit, I was on the fence with making bone broth, even Instant Pot bone broth, because, well . . . it was made with cooked bones and that just seemed weird. I’m what I’d call a “safe eater.” I don’t like to expand my palette too much. Now, with desserts that’s a whole different story. You could find me in the kitchen for hours whipping up yummy things made with sugar. But for main meals, I stick to the basics. Which is why I think cooking bones and veggie scraps seemed so weird to me?GUT PROBLEMS AND THE LEAP TO MAKE BONE BROTHI’ve heard that bone broth had amazing benefits for years, but it wasn’t until my husband’s gut problems got really bad that I took more notice. The doctors are almost sure years of energy drink upon energy drink with one trip through the fast food line a day had eroded Travis’s stomach, thinning the lining and creating ulcers. Poor guy! Note to the young: Less energy drinks and eat some healthy meals!!!Live and learn. Anyhow. When we were on a trip with friends to Vegas this summer, (I’ve been to Vegas twice in the summer. Why? Apparently I just can’t get over the 110º temps.) I was lamenting to my girlfriends how Travis was always struggling with gut related issues when they both said in unison, “You’re giving him bone broth right?” And I sheepishly looked down at my shoes as I quietly answered, “No.”Well, that was about to change! Once I really started digging into the health benefits I was on board to give it a try!


  • Boosts immunity
  • Helps relieve digestive issues
  • Healthier joints and stronger bones
  • Healthier skin
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Helps expel toxins with liver detoxification
  • Improves bone health

I mean, wow! It’s taken me way too long to jump onboard this healthy bone broth train! I plan on adding the broth to soups, stews, and to help add flavor and nutrients when cooking rice and pasta. I’ve also heard its a great afternoon pick me up in place of coffee. Just heat it up on the stovetop and pour into a coffee mug!I love my little Instant Pot. I’ve had it for over two years now and when I say I use it multiple times a week, well its true! I use it so often mostly because I’m late to start dinner and need to cook meat fast, and goodness it does a good job of it!

When I made it the first time, all I had on hand was this nut milk straining bag! But truly, it worked well. It was a two person job with the bad though, Travis held it in a large pan, and I poured the broth ingredients in it. I let all the main broth pour out into the pot, and then set the bag into another pot to cool. Once it was cool to the touch I held it over the broth pot and squeezed the living daylight out of the bag to get every drop of goodness that was left in the carrots, onions, celery, and such. Remove the bones before squeezing the bad to prevent the bones from cutting holes in the bag. I’ve since purchased a mesh strainer in hopes I can use it solo without the help of another person. Most likely I’ll still pour the ingredients into the mesh bag once cooled to squeeze out all the precious goodness left!INSTANT POT BONE BROTH RECIPEHonestly, I use the word recipe loosely. You need vinegar to help break down the bones and release the nutrients, and you need water, the bones themselves, and an assortment of vegetables and herbs.

What I plan to do from hear on out is to keep my veggie scraps and freeze them in bags along with extra bones from meals until I get enough to make broth. The leftovers ingredients from your other meals are the perfect base. Waste not want not as my grandma use to say!

Instant Pot Bone Broth | Healthy and Easy
Recipe details
  • 10  cups
  • Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook time: 2 Hours Total time: 2 hr 10 min
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  • 2 - 3 pounds assorted meat bones (organic when possible)
  • carrots, chopped
  • 1 - 2 onions, cut up but skin can be left on
  • 2 - 3 celery stalks, chopped
  • 2 - 4 cloves garlic, chopped, skin left on
  • 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Fresh herbs such as Thyme & Rosemary
  • 1 teaspoons whole black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt
  • Enough water to fill to 1 inch below MAX fill line in Instant Pot

Place bones in pot, add in vegetables, herbs, vinegar, pepper and salt.
Fill with water until 1 inch below the MAX fill line.
Place lid and seal instant pot. Make sure the steam release valve is closed.
Set instant pot on high pressure for 120 minutes. If ingredients are frozen, it could take up to one hour to come to full pressure. Once pressure is hit, the timer will begin.
When two hours are done, let pressure release natrually. The longer all the godness cooks the better your broth will taste and the more nutrients you'll get.
One the pressure is released and the float valve drops, open up Instant pot and having a pot and strainer ready, remove the instant pot bowl and pour through strainer.
If you want to get everything out of the ingredients, place all ingredients except bones into a mesh bag, and twist, ringing out all the remaining liqued into the broth.
Pour broth into quart jars, or silicone molds to freeze.
Enjoy from the fridge for 4-5 days, and from the freezer for 4-6 months.
Eryn | Eryn Whalen Online
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Lynn Lynn on Dec 15, 2020

    Have made for years, but getting really hard to find good bones, got some today, will make tomorrow, also is great with stewing chicken!

  • Grew up not wasting anything in our household. Most of the time it is poultry bone broth and get bones from beef from friends that consume beef on a regular basis. Also fish broth too. I just skip the salt and pepper and onions and garlic if making for the pets. And use the spent vegetables in the dog food. Since I cook every single day, everything gets consumed rather quickly. And I don't have an instant pot, just simmer it on the stove at a low temp. And I drink it like coffee or tea, puts something nutritious and warm in your belly in the cooler months. For kids I add steamed carrots, peas and a handful of noodles. Thanks for sharing!
