Green Bean & Potato Salad

Dinner Club Diaries
by Dinner Club Diaries
12 servings
40 min

When I told my daughter I was making potato salad, she said "ew". Of course, she was picturing the creamy, yellow, not super attractive kind you find at the deli counter, laden with mayo and often found sitting in the sun at outdoor gatherings. I repeat: "ew". Not this potato salad! This one is inspired by a gourmet Italian market near our house which serves amazing prepared foods out of their deli case and you can always find something new and delicious like this Green Bean & Potato Salad with a red wine vinaigrette. Blanched French green beans, boiled baby potatoes, crispy mini peppers and some cherry tomatoes tossed in for good measure. Mix it up with a classic dijon red wine vinaigrette and some fresh basil and you've got yourself a new summer picnic favorite. I guarantee no one will say "ew!"

Fresh, healthy, and fully vegan!

Prepare the veggies...

Add the boiled potatoes...

Dress and toss...

Add fresh torn basil and serve!

Green Bean & Potato Salad
Recipe details
  • 12  servings
  • Prep time: 20 Minutes Cook time: 20 Minutes Total time: 40 min
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For the dressing
  • 2/3 c olive oil
  • 2/3 c red wine vinegar
  • 2 T dijon mustard
  • 1 T whole grain mustard
  • 1 finely minced shallot
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 t salt
  • 1/2 t pepper
For the salad
  • 12oz bag fresh green beans (or French green beans, haricots vests)
  • 2 lbs assorted baby potatoes
  • 5-6 mini colored peppers, sliced in rounds
  • Handful of cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Fresh basil
For the dressing
Combine all ingredients EXCEPT olive oil in a jar, and shake to combine well. Then add in oil and shake again to combine. You may not need all this dressing for the salad.
For the salad
Bring a pot of water to boil. Cut the green beans into thirds or fourths, making them all about an inch long. When water is boiling, heavily salt the water with at least 3 T salt, and place green beans into the pot for just a few minutes until they turn bright green. You want them to still have some crunch to them. Remove beans with a slotted spoon directly into a bowl of ice water to shock them and stop the cooking process. When cool, transfer to a towel to allow to dry.
Using the same pot of boiling water, place the whole baby potatoes in the water and boil about 15-20 minutes until tender. Insert a sharp knife into a potato to test it. When ready, the potato should slide right off the knife.
Drain potatoes and rinse with cold water to cool slightly. When cool enough to handle, cut potatoes into halves or fourths depending on their size.
In a large bowl, place the green beans, sliced peppers and sliced tomatoes. Add the cooled potatoes on top. Add the dressing (start with 1 cup) and fresh torn basil and serve!
  • Don't forget to check seasoning for extra salt and pepper!