7 Commonly Refrigerated Foods You Don't Need To Refrigerate

Recipe Round-ups
by Recipe Round-ups

We've all been at that point where our refrigerator seems to have zero space left but we need to put in just one more dish. We looked into some of the most commonly refrigerated foods that are taking up space in your refrigerator that don't actually need to be there at all. Here's what we found:

Tomatoes: This one might surprise you, but it turns out that storing tomatoes in the fridge can actually make them lose flavor and texture. Tomatoes do best at room temperature, and they'll stay fresh for a few days on your counter or in a bowl on the kitchen table. If you have a lot of tomatoes and need to keep them for longer, you can transfer them to a paper bag and store them in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cupboard.

Bread: If you're like us, you've probably always kept your bread in the fridge to keep it fresh for longer. However, refrigeration can actually dry out bread and make it go stale faster. Instead, store your bread in a breadbox or on the counter in a plastic bag. If you won't be able to finish the bread before it goes bad, you can freeze it in slices and toast them as needed.

Onions: Onions are another food that doesn't need to be refrigerated. In fact, storing onions in the fridge can make them spoil faster and become mushy. Instead, keep your onions in a cool, dry place like a pantry or cupboard. If you've cut an onion and want to save the rest, wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in the fridge for up to a week.

Avocados: Avocados are a popular fruit that many of us like to keep in the fridge, but this can actually cause them to stop ripening and become rubbery. Instead, let your avocados ripen on the counter, and once they're ripe, you can store them in the fridge to extend their life for a few days. If you only need half an avocado, store the other half in a plastic bag with a little bit of lemon juice to prevent browning.

Potatoes: Potatoes are another food that can actually spoil faster in the fridge. Instead, store your potatoes in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cupboard. If you're worried about them sprouting, you can store them with an apple, which will release ethylene gas that prevents sprouting.

Honey: Honey is a natural preservative, so it doesn't actually need to be refrigerated. In fact, storing honey in the fridge can cause it to crystallize and become harder to use. Instead, keep your honey in a cool, dry place like a pantry or cupboard, and it'll stay good for years.

Hot sauce: Many of us keep our hot sauce in the fridge, but it's not actually necessary. Hot sauce has a lot of vinegar and salt, which act as natural preservatives, so it can be stored at room temperature. Just make sure to keep the lid on tight to prevent air from getting in and spoiling the sauce.

So there you have it, seven foods that don't need to be refrigerated. Overall, while it's important to always follow food safety guidelines, there are some foods that can actually fare better at room temperature. Now you can hopefully have more free space in your fridge!

“This article was written with the assistance of AI technology and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.”

7 Commonly Refrigerated Foods You Don't Need To Refrigerate
  • Excellent tips for those that may not know this. Other items I do not refrigerate, any citrus, fresh herbs, other fruit: apples, bananas, etc. I purchase what I know will be consumed in a short time so as not to throw things away and waste money.

    My big bone of contention, not all homes are built with adequate kitchen storage. Even the higher end kitchens. I live where it is HOT in summer so I have no cool dark pantry or cupboard to store perishable fruit and vegetables. All homes should be built with adequate kitchen storage and a proper linen closet - mine is a joke - and getting off topic here . . .

  • Susie Susie on Jul 23, 2023

    You might want to check further on storing an apple with potatoes to keep the potatoes from sprouting. I believe you have it backwards. Ethylene gas will cause potatos to sprout! Perhaps your AI technology wasn't checked that carefully.
